Before I go to sleep - S.J. Watson

We haven't done a thriller for awhile so this is our attempt for 2012. Christine has amnesia; every time she goes to sleep she loses her memory. Each day she wakes up not recognising where she is or who she is with. This is the debut novel for author S.J. Watson (picture left). As I read this I wondered if the author was male or female, I thought that women don’t tend to use initials as their title but this felt like a woman’s writing. I waited until the end to Google the details. Anyway he is an English man, as you can see by the photo, born in 1971, who was accepted into a writing course in 2009. He has worked in hospitals as an audiologist and wrote fiction in his spare time.

May 2012- The Help by Kathryn Stockett

This was liked by most except Kristy, and Phil didn't say she didn't like it but had only read half so her rating has skewed our stats slightly. Annette's chocolate pie was delicious, even though I had a moment where I had to not look at it to eat it, thinking about Minnie's pie was too much. Which made us wonder did Minnie really put the poo in the pie?